Sunday, 20 October 2019

Check HTTP Status Code

Check HTTP Status Code

  • HTTP acknowledgment cachet codes announce whether a specific HTTP appeal has been auspiciously completed. Responses are aggregate in bristles classes:
  • Informational responses (100–199),
  • Successful responses (200–299),
  • Redirects (300–399),
  • Client errors (400–499),
  • and Server errors (500–599).
  • 100 Continue. This acting acknowledgment indicates that aggregate so far is OK and that the applicant should abide the request, or avoid the acknowledgment if the appeal is already finished.
  • 101 Switching Protocol. This cipher is beatific in acknowledgment to an Upgrade appeal attack from the client, and indicates the agreement the server is switching to.
  • 102 Processing (WebDAV). This cipher indicates that the server has accustomed and is processing the request, but no acknowledgment is accessible yet.
  • 103 Early Hints. This cachet cipher is primarily advised to be acclimated with the Link header, absolution the user abettor alpha preloading assets while the server prepares a response.
  • 200 OK. The appeal has succeeded. The acceptation of the success depends on the HTTP method:
  • GET: The ability has been fetched and is transmitted in the bulletin body.
  • HEAD: The article headers are in the bulletin body.
  • PUT or POST: The ability anecdotic the aftereffect of the activity is transmitted in the bulletin body.
  • TRACE: The bulletin anatomy contains the appeal bulletin as accustomed by the server
  • 201 Created. The appeal has succeeded and a new ability has been created as a result. This is about the acknowledgment beatific afterwards POST requests, or some PUT requests.
  • 202 Accepted. The appeal has been accustomed but not yet acted upon. It is noncommittal, back there is no way in HTTP to after accelerate an asynchronous acknowledgment advertence the aftereffect of the request. 
  • It is advised for cases area addition action or server handles the request, or for accumulation processing.
  • 203 Non-Authoritative Information. This acknowledgment cipher agency the alternate meta-information is not absolutely the aforementioned as is accessible from the agent server, but is calm from a bounded or a third-party copy. 
  • This is mostly acclimated for mirrors or backups of addition resource. Except for that specific case, the "200 OK" acknowledgment is adopted to this status.
  • 204 No Content. There is no agreeable to accelerate for this request, but the headers may be useful. The user-agent may amend its buried headers for this ability with the new ones.
  • 205 Displace Content. Tells the user-agent to displace the certificate which beatific this request.
  • 206 Partial Content. This acknowledgment cipher is acclimated back the Range attack is beatific from the applicant to appeal alone allotment of a resource.
  • 207 Multi-Status (WebDAV). Conveys advice about assorted resources, for situations area assorted cachet codes ability be appropriate.
  • 208 Already Reported (WebDAV). Used central a <dav:propstat> acknowledgment aspect to abstain again enumerating the centralized associates of assorted bindings to the aforementioned collection.
  • 226 IM Acclimated (HTTP Delta encoding). The server has accomplished a GET appeal for the resource, and the acknowledgment is a representation of the aftereffect of one or added instance-manipulations activated to the accepted instance.
  • 300 Multiple Choice. The appeal has added than one accessible response. The user-agent or user should accept one of them. (There is no connected way of allotment one of the responses, but HTML links to the possibilities are recommended so the user can pick.)
  • 301 Moved Permanently. The URL of the requested ability has been afflicted permanently. The new URL is accustomed in the response.
  • 302 Found. This acknowledgment cipher agency that the URI of requested ability has been afflicted temporarily. Further changes in the URI ability be fabricated in the future. Therefore, this aforementioned URI should be acclimated by the applicant in approaching requests.
  • 303 See Other. The server beatific this acknowledgment to absolute the applicant to get the requested ability at addition URI with a GET request.
  • 304 Not Modified. This is acclimated for caching purposes. It tells the applicant that the acknowledgment has not been modified, so the applicant can abide to use the aforementioned buried adaptation of the response.
  • 305 Use Proxy. Defined in a antecedent adaptation of the HTTP blueprint to announce that a requested acknowledgment charge be accessed by a proxy. 
  • It has been deprecated due to aegis apropos apropos in-band agreement of a proxy.
  • 306 unused. This acknowledgment cipher is no best used; it is aloof reserved. It was acclimated in a antecedent adaptation of the HTTP/1.1 specification.
  • 307 Temporary Redirect. The server sends this acknowledgment to absolute the applicant to get the requested ability at addition URI with aforementioned adjustment that was acclimated in the above-mentioned request. 
  • This has the aforementioned semantics as the 302 Found HTTP acknowledgment code, with the barring that the user abettor charge not change the HTTP adjustment used: If a POST was acclimated in the aboriginal request, a POST charge be acclimated in the additional request.
  • 308 Permanent Redirect. This agency that the ability is now assuredly amid at addition URI, defined by the Location: HTTP Acknowledgment header. 
  • This has the aforementioned semantics as the 301 Moved Assuredly HTTP acknowledgment code, with the barring that the user abettor charge not change the HTTP adjustment used: 
  • If a POST was acclimated in the aboriginal request, a POST charge be acclimated in the additional request.
  • 400 Bad Request. The server could not accept the appeal due to invalid syntax.
  • 401 Unauthorized. Although the HTTP accepted specifies "unauthorized", semantically this acknowledgment agency "unauthenticated". That is, the applicant charge accredit itself to get the requested response.
  • 402 Acquittal Appropriate. This acknowledgment cipher is aloof for approaching use. The antecedent aim for creating this cipher was application it for agenda acquittal systems, 
  • about this cachet cipher is acclimated actual rarely and no accepted assemblage exists.
  • 403 Forbidden. The applicant does not accept admission rights to the content; that is, it is unauthorized, so the server is abnegation to accord the requested resource. 
  • Unlike 401, the client's character is accepted to the server.
  • 404 Not Found. The server can not acquisition requested resource. In the browser, this agency the URL is not recognized. 
  • In an API, this can additionally beggarly that the endpoint is accurate but the ability itself does not exist. 
  • Servers may additionally accelerate this acknowledgment instead of 403 to adumbrate the actuality of a ability from an crooked client. 
  • This acknowledgment cipher is apparently the best acclaimed one due to its common accident on the web.
  • 405 Adjustment Not Allowed. The appeal adjustment is accepted by the server but has been disabled and cannot be used. 
  • For example, an API may forbid DELETE-ing a resource. The two binding methods, GET and HEAD, charge never be disabled and should not acknowledgment this absurdity code.
  • 406 Not Acceptable. This acknowledgment is beatific aback the web server, afterwards assuming server-driven agreeable negotiation, 
  • doesn't acquisition any agreeable that conforms to the belief accustomed by the user agent.
  • 407 Proxy Affidavit Required. This is agnate to 401 but affidavit is bare to be done by a proxy.
  • 408 Appeal Timeout. This acknowledgment is beatific on an abandoned affiliation by some servers, alike afterwards any antecedent appeal by the client. 
  • It agency that the server would like to shut bottomward this bare connection. This acknowledgment is acclimated abundant added aback some browsers, 
  • like Chrome, Firefox 27 , or IE9, use HTTP pre-connection mechanisms to acceleration up surfing. Additionally agenda that some servers alone shut bottomward the affiliation afterwards sending this message.
  • 409 Conflict. This acknowledgment is beatific aback a appeal conflicts with the accepted accompaniment of the server.
  • 410 Gone. This acknowledgment is beatific aback the requested agreeable has been assuredly deleted from server, with no forwarding address. 
  • Clients are accepted to abolish their caches and links to the resource. The HTTP blueprint intends this cachet cipher to be acclimated for "limited-time, promotional services". 
  • APIs should not feel accountable to announce assets that accept been deleted with this cachet code.
  • 411 Length Required. Server alone the appeal because the Content-Length attack acreage is not authentic and the server requires it.
  • 412 Precondition Failed. The applicant has adumbrated preconditions in its headers which the server does not meet.
  • 413 Payload Too Large. Request article is beyond than banned authentic by server; the server ability abutting the affiliation or acknowledgment an Retry-After attack field.
  • 414 URI Too Long. The URI requested by the applicant is best than the server is accommodating to interpret.
  • 415 Unsupported Media Type. The media architecture of the requested abstracts is not accurate by the server, so the server is abnegation the request.
  • 416 Requested Ambit Not Satisfiable. The ambit defined by the Ambit attack acreage in the appeal can't be fulfilled; 
  • it's accessible that the ambit is alfresco the admeasurement of the ambition URI's data.
  • 417 Apprehension Failed. This acknowledgment cipher agency the apprehension adumbrated by the Expect appeal attack acreage can't be met by the server.
  • 418 I'm a teapot. The server refuses the attack to beverage coffee with a teapot.
  • 421 Misdirected Request. The appeal was directed at a server that is not able to aftermath a response. 
  • This can be beatific by a server that is not configured to aftermath responses for the aggregate of arrangement and ascendancy that are included in the appeal URI.
  • 422 Unprocessable Article (WebDAV). The appeal was admirable but was clumsy to be followed due to semantic errors.
  • 423 Bound (WebDAV). The ability that is actuality accessed is locked.
  • 424 Bootless Dependency (WebDAV). The appeal bootless due to abortion of a antecedent request.
  • 425 Too Early. Indicates that the server is afraid to accident processing a appeal that ability be replayed.
  • 426 Upgrade Required. The server refuses to accomplish the appeal application the accepted agreement but ability be accommodating to do so afterwards the applicant upgrades to a altered protocol. 
  • The server sends an Upgrade attack in a 426 acknowledgment to announce the appropriate protocol(s).
  • 428 Precondition Required. The agent server requires the appeal to be conditional. This acknowledgment is advised to anticipate the 'lost update' problem, 
  • area a applicant GETs a resource's state, modifies it, and PUTs it aback to the server, 
  • aback meanwhile a third affair has adapted the accompaniment on the server, arch to a conflict.
  • 429 Too Abounding Requests. The user has beatific too abounding requests in a accustomed bulk of time ("rate limiting").
  • 431 Appeal Attack Fields Too Large. The server is afraid to action the appeal because its attack fields are too large. 
  • The appeal may be resubmitted afterwards abbreviation the admeasurement of the appeal attack fields.
  • 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons. The user-agent requested a ability that cannot accurately be provided, such as a web folio censored by a government.
  • 500 Centralized Server Error. The server has encountered a bearings it doesn't apperceive how to handle.
  • 501 Not Implemented. The appeal adjustment is not accurate by the server and cannot be handled. 
  • The alone methods that servers are appropriate to abutment (and accordingly that charge not acknowledgment this code) are GET and HEAD.
  • 502 Bad Gateway. This absurdity acknowledgment agency that the server, while alive as a aperture to get a acknowledgment bare to handle the request, got an invalid response.
  • 503 Account Unavailable. The server is not accessible to handle the request. Common causes are a server that is bottomward for aliment or that is overloaded. 
  • Note that calm with this response, a convenient folio answer the botheration should be sent. This responses should be acclimated for acting altitude and the Retry-After: 
  • HTTP attack should, if possible, accommodate the estimated time afore the accretion of the service. 
  • The webmaster charge additionally booty affliction about the caching-related headers that are beatific forth with this response, 
  • as these acting action responses should usually not be cached.
  • 504 Aperture Timeout. This absurdity acknowledgment is accustomed back the server is acting as a aperture and cannot get a acknowledgment in time.
  • 505 HTTP Adaptation Not Supported. The HTTP adaptation acclimated in the appeal is not accurate by the server.
  • 506 Alternative Additionally Negotiates. The server has an centralized agreement error: the called alternative ability is configured to appoint in cellophane agreeable agreement itself, 
  • and is accordingly not a able end point in the agreement process.
  • 507 Insufficient Storage (WebDAV). The adjustment could not be performed on the ability because the server is clumsy to abundance the representation bare to auspiciously complete the request.
  • 508 Bend Detected (WebDAV). The server detected an absolute bend while processing the request.
  • 510 Not Extended. Further extensions to the appeal are appropriate for the server to fulfil it.
  • 511 Arrangement Authentication Required. The 511 cachet cipher indicates that the applicant needs to accredit to accretion arrangement access.
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